Monday, October 29, 2012

Prep Schedule

Day Before:
Research recipes for Sweet Potato Soup, Salad dressing, duck spice seasoning, and butternut squash risotto
Print out recipes
Make list of ingredients needed in all preparations
Divide list between different stores
Call Dad to go buy duck breasts from Restaurant Depot
Make and finalize shopping lists
Put out whole duck to defrost

Day of:
Make shopping trip to Wal-Mart
Wash, cut, and trim vegetables for most of dinner preparations: vegetable for stock, soup, and risotto
Rinse whole duck and remove gizzards and liver (put aside to use another day)
Fabricate whole duck into 6 pieces. 
Place carcass and drum/thigh meat into a stock pot with the mirepoix. Don't forget to skim foam on top of stock every 30 minutes
While stock is simmering, go to Whole Foods to purchase other ingredients.
Sort everything out into groups by recipe. 
Preheat oven to 350
Measure out dry and wet ingredients for tart shell.
Bake tart shell.
Make filing for tart
Slice apples and figs for tart
Take out tart from oven to cool.
Assemble tart and set aside in fridge to bake that night.
Measure out ingredients for salad dressing. 
Make salad dressing and set aside in bottle in the fridge.
Dry off and score the duck breasts.
Measure ingredients for dry spice seasoning.
Dry duck breasts with paper towel, and season on both sides.
Set aside in fridge

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